jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

What they are, there are differences between Fingerprints and Digital

Footprint, mark or trace that a person leaves on earth
A trace is the mark or trace that a person leaves on the earth or in some way when stepping on it. Generally, the earth, the grass, and other materials such as wet cement are able to contain in a very definite way the trace of that person or animal that passed through there.

Those marks that leave our hands on some surface when touched
Meanwhile, with regard to fingerprints, fingerprints or fingerprints, we must clarify in principle that both concepts refer to the same thing, they are those that just leave our hands and fingers on some surface when touched.

It is more precisely a visible impression that know how to leave the papillary crests of the fingers on any surface.

Through them a person can be identified. Unique and non-transferable
The importance of fingerprints and fingerprints is that it is through it that a person can be identified. There is nothing more personal and individual than the marks left by our fingers, it is unique and non-transferable and that is why they are used as a way to identify an individual in an unequivocal way. That is, the fingerprints of a person are taken and only correspond to that individual, can never be attributed to another.

They accompany IDs in identity documents and passports
When people manage identity documents or other documentation of the style, such as identity cards and passports, before competent authorities, fingerprints are taken so that these impressions accompany our identification.

Until the arrival of technology, the organisms that extended the identity documents and other identifications took the fingerprints of each finger through a substance that allowed a clear representation of the capillary of the fingers. Today, with the increasingly present technology, less dirty and cumbersome methods are used to take them, such as specialized equipment.

In the meantime, if a situation occurs that at first sight does not allow a person to be identified, as sometimes happens in accidents, when the fingerprints are taken, the identification of that person can be established.

Crucial in procedures that investigate crimes or illicit
On the other hand, at the request of some crime or illicit, the security forces first thing is to take the impressions of the place to detect the presence of some of these footprints, which will later allow to determine the people who were present there and probably identify the aggressor or victimizer.

Depending on the context in which it is used, the word impression may refer to different issues in our language.

Reproduction of a text or image electronically or manually, with a printer or printer, respectively
One of the most recurrent uses of the term allows to designate the reproduction of a text or an illustration that has been made in a printing press, or, failing that, in an electronic way from a printer.
"I still have to go to check out the printing of bills that we order."

Printing process
Then, the word impression is used to designate the process that involves the production of texts and images.
It consists of the application of ink on a paper through a printer or a press.
Meanwhile, industrial printing or when it involves a large number of units is carried out in specialized spaces known as printers; by means of ink and pressure types, the figures and words are transferred to the paper in question.

How do printers work? Types
Printers are the most common devices used by ordinary people when they have to reproduce texts or images that come from an electronic file.
Just enough to have this device that connects directly to the PC or notebook and send the print order to obtain the electronic document in print.

The printer is one of the most popular and common peripherals that we use together with the computer. It is an output device that facilitates the printing of any type of work or operation performed through the computer.

To work properly, a printer needs two basic elements such as ink and paper.
The ink is housed in cartridges that enter a space inside the printer and may be black and white, or in color.
Those who use color are known as fast drying because they have a special system that will make colors dry quickly and do not distort, while those in black and white use a slower drying.
The papers can also be in formats.

The advancement of technology has also increased in this field and so we can find different types of printers: laser (which stand out for working with a toner and have a high speed), inkjet, dot matrix , the double face, the braille, the newest ones that incorporate 3D technology and that allow obtaining impressions in three dimensions.

Also, the way in which a text or an illustration is printed is called printing.
"The printing of Laura's marriage cards has been truly luxurious."

Mark that leaves one thing in another when pressed
On the other hand, the mark or the signal that one thing leaves in another when pressing it is popularly called impression.
"I knew someone was in our garden while we were not there because I found several prints in the grass."

Footprint in the mood that causes a sad or surprising situation
Another use of the word allows us to give an account of the effect, of the trace, that certain situations provoke in the mood of a person. Generally, surprising and unexpected, painful and unpleasant situations such as the loss of a loved one, an accident, among others, are often the triggers of this type of effects.

When, for example, a loved one is lost in an unforeseen way, the trace or effect that this will cause to us will certainly be indelible and tragic.
It will cost us a lot to overcome it, there are even people who spend years and years suffering for it.
The specialists in psychology say that duels for the death of a close being lasts about a year, although of course it can be variable from person to person and the character and personality of the same will also greatly affect.

If it is appreciated that this pain lasts over time it will be essential that the person start a psychotherapy to talk and overcome the issue.

Opinion that someone is formed about something or someone
On the other hand, the opinion that one has about something or about someone is commonly referred to as printing.
"My brother had a very positive impression of your father after treating him at the club."
However, that impression or opinion that someone generates from their way of acting or speaking can be positive as in the example shown, or failing that can be negative, causing that situation a rejection towards the person.

And for its part, the expressions change impressions and print refer communicate, exchange views and impressive, respectively

I hope I have contributed a bit to the vast knowledge of science...

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018

Auxiliary sciences of criminology



Criminological biology studied the man of antisocial behavior as a living being, from his genetic background to his anatomo-physiological processes; The influence of biological phenomena on crime and the participation of biological factors in crime.


This subject studies the criminal event phenomenon as it occurs in the community, both in its causes and factors and in its forms, development, effects and relationships with other facts and behaviors that occur in society. (study crime as a social phenomenon)


"Criminal psychology tries to find out, to know what it is that can induce a subject, a meaning, what that behavior means to him, because the idea of ​​punishment is not commemorated and makes an announcement of his criminal behavior." It studies the deviations and motivations of the personality in the relation with the crime as primary factors of the same.


It can be defined as the scientific study of the victims of a crime or antisocial behavior, the Victim has not become a study of the subject, has not been found in other people. be the accident



this science studies the processes of production and distribution in politically organized society, together with criminology, together with criminology, and as one of the factors that represent criminality


The Criminological Policy is, traditionally, the application of all the data provided by the scientific investigation of the crime, the crime of criminality, as well as the social reaction towards them, the attempt to avoid prevention, and when this is not possible, repressing them .


Etymologically, the word "statistics" comes from the Latin statisticum collegium

Non-legal auxiliary science of criminal law that studies the numerical aspect of crime as a social phenomenon, but by itself in its figures.


We can define Methodology as the systematic analysis of procedures, hypotheses and the means of explanation with which we find ourselves in empirical research, the importance of methodology is in the sense that allows a more effective theory of social phenomena . According to what is understood as what is understood as a criminological method, the methods of criminological research are analyzed and analyzed.

PENOLOGY or Penitentiary Law

Penology has traditionally been considered as the study of the various means of repression and the prevention of antisocial behaviors, their methods of application and post-penitentiary action. Penology is the study of the origin, foundation, necessity, variability and consequences of their execution.


Study criminal information, analysis of measurements and numerical relationships of different parts of the human body (Anthropometry).

The Criminological Anthropology also studies the effect of the physical environment and the adaptation of man himself, as well as the space in which the human being moves,


Criminalistics is the set of procedures used in search, discovery and verification.

Forensic Medicine

Forensic medicine, in its practice and application, is the technique, it is the procedure by which one or several branches of medicine or related sciences are used for the study and resolution of problems.


It is the medical science that studies mental illnesses, in its sense of forensic it deals with the medical-legal problems that arise from mental illness. We can say that it is the application of medical knowledge in mental pathology in all cases in which it is necessary to specify the mental state of an individual

It is a synthetic, causal, explanatory, natural and cultural science of antisocial behaviors. It is a science, by virtue of having its own object and methods, as well as specific ends.

The criminal law

is the set of laws by which the state defines crimes, penalties, criminals and the specific application thereof and incrimination cases.

Thanks for your attention



La Biología Criminológica estudia al hombre de conducta antisocial como un ser vivo, desde sus antecedentes genéticos hasta sus procesos anatomo-fisiológicos; estudia también la influencia de los fenómenos biológicos en la criminalidad y la participación de los factores biológicos en el crimen

Esta materia estudia el acontecer criminal como fenómeno que se da en la colectividad, tanto en sus causas y factores como en sus formas, desarrollo, efectos y relaciones con otros hechos y conductas que se dan en la sociedad. (estudia el crimen como un fenómeno social)

“La Psicología Criminal trata de averiguar, de conocer qué es lo que induce a un sujeto a delinquir, qué significado tiene esa conducta para él, porque la idea de castigo no le atemoriza y le hace renunciar a sus conductas criminales.” Estudia las desviaciones y motivaciones de la personalidad en relación con el crimen como factores primarios del mismo.

Puede definirse como el estudio científico de las víctimas de un delito o de una conducta antisocial, la Victimología no se agota con el estudio del sujeto pasivo del delito, si no que atiende a otras personas que son afectadas, y a otros campos no delictivos como puede ser el de accidentes


esta ciencia estudia los procesos de producción y distribución en la sociedad políticamente organizada ha estado ligada siempre junto a la criminologia ,ya sea como uno de los factores que generan la criminalidad

La Política Criminológica es, tradicionalmente la aplicación de todos aquellos conocimientos proporcionados por la investigación científica del crimen, del criminal de la criminalidad, así como de la reacción social hacia ellos, en el intento de evitarlos en forma preventiva, y cuando esto no sea posible, reprimiéndolos.

Etimológicamente la palabra «estadística» procede del latín statisticum collegium
Ciencia auxiliar no jurídica del derecho penal que estudia el aspecto numérico del delito como fenómeno social, pero por si sola en sus cifras, no constituyen un medio independiente de investigación

Podemos definir a la Metodología como el análisis sistemático de los procedimientos, hipótesis y medios de explicación con que nos encontramos en la investigación empírica, la importancia de la metodología está en que permite una teorización más eficaz de los fenómenos sociales. De acuerdo a éstos conceptos podemos entender por metodología criminológica al estudio analítico y crítico de los métodos de investigación utilizados por la Criminología.

PENOLOGÍA o Derecho Penitenciario

Se ha considerado tradicionalmente a la penología como el estudio de los diversos medios de represión y prevención de las conductas antisociales (penas y medidas de seguridad), de sus métodos de aplicación y la actuación postpenitenciaria. La Penología es el estudio del origen, fundamento, necesidad, variabilidad y consecuencias de la ejecución de las sanciones

Estudia al criminal a partir de sus características somáticas y psico-fisiológicos del delincuente, analizando las medidas y relaciones numéricas de las distintas partes del cuerpo humano (Antropometría).
La Antropología Criminológica estudia también el efecto del medio físico y la adaptación del hombre al mismo, así como del espacio en que se mueve el ser humano,

La criminalística es el conjunto de procedimientos aplicables a la búsqueda, descubrimiento y verificación científica del hecho aparentemente delictuoso y del presunto actor de éste.

la Medicina Forense, en su ejercicio y aplicación, es la técnica, es el procedimiento mediante el cual aprovecha una o varias ramas de la medicina o de las ciencias conexas para estudiar y resolver casos concretos habitualmente ligados a situaciones legales o jurídicas.

es la ciencia médica que estudia las enfermedades mentales, en su acepción de forense se ocupa de los problemas médicos-jurídicos que surgen de la enfermedad mental. Podemos decir que es la aplicación de los conocimientos médicos en la Patología mental en todos aquellos casos en que es necesario precisar el estado mental de un individuo
es una ciencia sintética, causal, explicativa, natural y cultural de las conductas antisociales. Es una ciencia, en virtud de que tiene objeto y métodos propios, así como fines específicos.

El Derecho Penal
es el conjunto de leyes mediante las cuales el Estado define los delitos, determina las penas imponibles a los delincuentes y regula la aplicación concreta de las mismas a los casos de incriminación.

gracias por su atención